
DentalCad New Release 7.0: Now Available!


DentalCAD 7.0 Launch News!

We are pleased to inform you that the new 7.0 version has been officially released!

Here is a list of the main features you’ll find in the new release:

  • New Order Manager with a revisited graphical interface – the position of the various instruments has been modified making the interface more usable and much more dynamic. Further, the possibility of inserting the works into different categories have been added: Fixed Prosthesis and Mobile Prosthetics.
  • Scan and Import – the segmentation process of the different areas of the model is automatic.
  • Free management of the modeling phase DentalCAD <> Model Maker – starting from a prepared model or an impression, it is possible to choose the starting phase of the project in total freedom.
  • Workflow improvements on Prepared Models, Unprepared Models and Impressions.
  • New “Application Management” tool – allows you to open a section dedicated to the integration of the CAD software with external CAM software as: MillBox; PowerMill; FormLabs.
  • Improvement of abutment designers
  • Revision of attachments in a single crown, multiple crowns and bridge workflows
  • Possibility to change the background color/image
  • Bug fixing


Full denture module release
  • Through a pre-visualization, it is possible to choose the tooth library to use (Pala by Kulzer or Ruthinium) for the realization of the prosthetic restoration. In the modeling phase, the elements can be assembled freely, using the various tools made available to the user. There are also parameters for modifying the prosthesis flange and the tooth with the possibility of exporting at the end of the workflow.

Model Maker:
  • Possibility to create orthodontic models with a customizable base.
  • Definition of labels on the models.
  • Improvements on removable dies – in the definition of the work it is possible to choose whether to make the die removable or to leave it fixed.
  • New parameters have been added.
  • Improvements on attachments shape definition.
  • Model refinement step – the parameters present in this step can also be applied individually to each abutment.

Watch the following video to get a quick preview of the new features of the software!


Check here the libraries supported by DentalCad.

We remind you that you can download a 30 days trial version of the software from our website.

Download DentalCAD 7.0 Free Trial

For more information on the prices of the software and optional modules, write to our Sales Team at and immediately request the updated price list!