Leios Components
Leios Components is a set of C++ libraries created as geometric engine for their own solutions and also used by EGS for developing Custom Projects. Leios Components can be provided as SDK for companies in need of new tools of reverse engineering inside their procedures or software to save time and development costs.

SFLib: Surface Fitting Library
Leios additional module for untrimmed NURBS surfaces management.
Main features:
- Detection of 4 limited areas on the triangular mesh
- Automatic surfaces fitting and distribution of NURBS patches
- Fitting NURBS extension on the mesh surface
- Fitting of mesh selections to analytical surfaces

SELib: Sharp Edges Library
Leios SDK additional module for edges and features recognition.
- Main features:
- Automatic extraction of fillets and fillet curves (boundary curves, central curve on mesh, theoretical sharp edge curves) on triangular mesh
- Segmentation of the triangle mesh in areas without fillets, ready for further fitting with untrimmed NURBS surfaces

LMModel: Mesh Model Library
Leios SDK additional module for complete 3D document management.
Main features:
- Model object management of several meshes with a shared history
- Mesh groups
- Full support for model object notifications

Leios SDK additional module for Python scripting.
Main features:
- Direct access to Leios SDK modules and functions32bit UI based on Python 2.7.

LMViewGL: Visualization Library
Leios additional module for untrimmed NURBS surfaces management.
The library draws a scene consisting of one or several point clouds and triangle meshes, previously prepared without adding scene lights or altering the original data. It heavily increases the loading and elaboration speed with huge datasets, preserving the quality of the visualization, allowing the user to work seamlessly and dramatically reducing loading times and delays due to rotation, panning, moving of the models.
The library is available both as Leios SDK module and as stand-alone application.
Main features:
Based on OpenGL 2.0
Streamlined management of the drawing process
Support for non-indexed meshes
Textures support